Getting Started With Notes

Written By: Troy Fullwood

I have noticed that there are a lot of people involved in real estate nowadays, especially the fix and flip market. I see the banks are not addressing the under-served side of the consumer base, meaning people that earn less than $150,000. Home ownership, as far as home values go, is not typically served or addressed by the banks. There’s this higher percentage of our population that ultimately, for lack of better words, is shooting from the hip in trying to do the right thing. Their goal is to do the right thing, but they keep missing the target. Ultimately, when they miss the target, it costs them money. That money can add up to tens of thousands of dollars.
The industry as a whole has started to learn about paper, but they really don’t understand how to fine-tune what they’re doing. It’s kind of like the idea of writing a book. We can go to the library and see all kinds of books all day long, but how does it get from our head to the paper? The same thing is true in the note and paper business as a whole. You’d be surprised how fragmented it really is.

To learn more about the Note Business, grab a copy of my book Power of Paper:

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